Walmsley is captivated by the human psyche, condition and its symbols that represent the collective unconscious, which she currently expresses through painting medias, assemblage and collage. Regardless of the media she uses, her work captures celebrations of life experience while telling an alluring visual story through which the viewer can connect. The magic for Walmsley is when the viewer identifies with the work in a moment of recognition like one has when seeing one’s own expression on someone else’s face.
Walmsley’s portrait paintings are narrative and represent snapshots in time that express cultural and social interactions. The subject matter is chosen to reveal aspects of the human psyche and experience as well as her observations about life. The images are not only provocative, colorful and symbolic, but also speak to the drama of living. They invite the viewer to contemplate the mystery of everyday existence and to complete the story in their own way.
Walmsley’s assemblage and collage reflect the influence of humor and irony in social, cultural and political events. They are creative and beautifully hand crafted with particular attention to composition and detail.
Walmsley left England for the USA in 1971, received a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and earned an MFA from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1981. Walmsley has exhibited in a number of juried shows and invitational exhibitions and has won many awards. She is a member of Western Edge, a creative collective of distinguished artists based in California. She is also a member of the Pastel Society of the Gold Coast, Santa Barbara Art Association and the Goleta Valley Art Association.